Be, all together, the change
May 22, 2012
The two “ships of legality” depart from Civitavecchia and Naples. On board students, teachers, politicians, associations, all together against the Mafia.
All together to discuss, to listen and remember, in order not to forget, together to fight the crisis of ethics with the courage of memory, of ideas that survive. Sharing the risk, finding the courage to make a choice, hoping for a change.
Working, all together to be that change, living life to the end, without wasting a moment .
Without being afraid to be afraid.
Andrea is eighteen years old: his dream is to become a journalist. He has the courage to write .
Sara is twelve years old: she wants to be a waitress and has never been afraid.
Melissa was sixteen years old: the day of the massacre she was going to school. She wanted to live.
Giovanni was fifty-three years old: he was a magistrate and, like all other men, was afraid of Mafia.
May 23, 1992
Capaci. 5.58 PM .
Five hundred pounds of TNT exploded, blowing up the car of a judge from Palermo and men of the police escort. Giovanni Falcone , Francesca Morvillo, Vito Schifani, Antonio Dicillo and Rocco Montinaro died .
May 23, 2012
Palermo. Thousands of people together, in order not to forget .
“You haven’t killed them : their ideas walk on our feet ."
Green, white and red balloons flew up in the sky .
Flags at the wrists, banners in hand: we go. One, ten, a hundred steps towards Falcone’s tree.
Crying out loud, without fear.
“Men come and go, ideas remain.
They will stay alive with their moral tension and continue to walk on the legs of others"
- Giovanni Falcone-